Friday, February 16, 2024

Genre Research

    Since I am working with a partner, our first goal is to pick our genre which will help us pick our plot. We decided to begin by doing research and watching many different genre film openings in the genres that we were interested in. We used Youtube as our source for research. This was the first title sequence we viewed.


    We watched a few others like the maze runner and the Truman show to establish the genre we were going for. After we watched these clips and discussed a few other film openings and plots we eliminated the genres we did not want to do. My partner Victoria came up with a plot of a dystopian film so by the end of our project our genre will be dystopian thriller. 
    After conducting our research and throughly discussing our ideas we came up with the first few shots of our opening sequence which I will show in a storyboard later on. We came up with an overall plot which we will develop in the next week. We also discussed the schedule of or project and each theme of the week. 

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Genre Research

 So to begin my research I am going to view music videos from different genres to try and choose my brand. I will be watching one from the g...