Friday, March 1, 2024

Shot list

     Okay so I’m going to put the shot list in order of how we’re gonna film and then I’ll explain what might be confusing.

Scene 1 Part 1: All in same exact house setting

Shot 1: medium high angle shot of Fidelia

Shot 2: medium high angle shot of Sage same as Fidelia

Shot 3: medium high angle shot of Miriam same as Sage

Scene 1 Part 2: Next house setting

Shot 1: Extreme Closeup shot of Doran’s eyes reflecting of screen

Shot 2: Extreme Closeup shot of Doran’s lips

Shot 3: Closeup shot of Doran’s face reacting

Shot 4: Slow zoom into computer screen

Shot 5: Dutch angle shot of doran reacting

Shot 6: Medium closeup shot of Doran reacting camera behind computer screen

Scene 2: Office

Shot 1: Establishing shot of workplace

Shot 2: Medium shot Doran is center

Shot 3: Two shot of coworkers talking

Shot 4: Medium High angle shot of Doran seeing this in between coworkers which are blurred

Shot 5: Side profile closeup of Doran thinking 

Scene 3: Flashbacks (outside)

Shot 1: Low angle shot of Beth

Shot 2: Blurred shot of Doran running

Shot 3: Young Doran standing speaking

For this scene a lot of audio will give more context

The shot list is very out of order of how the story will be shown. The First scene has two parts, because they are put together in the same scene. This is because Doran is watching the videos of scene 1: part one. 

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